Shopsource, LLC

9802 NW 80TH AVE # G-57
HIALEAH GARDENS, Florida 33016
United States
Phone: 305-456-7275


Shopsource is a direct importer & wholesaler specializing in general merchandise. Hats, Flags, Jewelry, Cell Phone Accessories, Outdoors, & more. We carry name brands and popular products. Amazon FBA supplier.

  • Inventory In-Stock
  • Ready for Immediate Shipment
  • Amazon FBA
Camping Stool - Hunter Camouflage
Camping Stool - Hunter Camouflage

Amazon ASIN: B08GKCH679 Wholesale price: $5.50 Retail price: $17.99 520pcs units in stock ready to ship

Camping Stool - Camouflage
Camping Stool - Camouflage

Amazon ASIN: B08GKSMLDN Wholesale price: $5.10 Retail price: $17.99 In stock ready to ship.

Camping Stool - Green
Camping Stool - Green

Amazon ASIN: B08GKTSNT2 Wholesale price: $5.50 Retail price: $17.99 In stock ready to ship.

Crawdad Trap
Crawdad Trap

Amazon ASIN: B08GR46227 Wholesale price: $3.50 Retail price: $14.99 In stock ready to ship.


Supplier Type: Importer, Wholesaler, Drop Shipper

Price Point: Value Price

Minimum Order: $50

Payment Accepted: Zelle Payment, Wire, and Credit Card

Sample Packs: Yes

Amazon FBA Supplier: Yes